Capital Markets

Capital Markets

Our mission is to develop a deep and liquid capital market in Kazakhstan and in the Central Asian region by providing clear and favorable conditions for attracting local and foreign investors as well as creating a platform to finance the growth of private businesses and the economy as a whole.

The Kazakh capital market is of great interest to international investors searching for new opportunities at emerging markets.

AIX offers investors and issuers all of the main instruments of capital market: initial and secondary public offerings, stock trading, sovereign and corporate bonds, sovereign and corporate Eurobonds, depositary receipts, exchange traded funds and notes, as well as Islamic financing instruments and bonds in yuan. A major advantage of the AIFC is its willingness to work with mid level capitalization companies.

Astana International Exchange (AIX) is functioning in the AIFC jurisdiction. Its technological platform was designed jointly with NASDAQ and complies with the high requirements and expectations of global market participants. To implement this technological potential, a regulatory framework, unique for the region, based on English common law, has been created.

The AIX offers a full-scale business cycle, including trading and settlement clearing transactions. AIX has confirmed compliance with international standards for information security and cybersecurity management ISO 27001, ISO 27032, ISO 27018, ISO 27017. These certifications confirm AIX’s commitment to a reliable information security system and build confidence in the quality and security of the services provided by AIX.

Over 30 companies have joined the AIX as trading members, including brokerage companies from Kazakhstan, CIS, China, European countries.

The basic stages of developing the special Belt and Road segment have been accomplished. Partnership relations have been established with the following key market players, such as the China Overseas Development Association (CODA), China Chengxin International Credit Rating Co., Deheng Law Offices, PwC Kazakhstan, China Construction Bank and CITIC Securities, which is the largest broker and investment bank in China. 

The AIX Central Securities Depository (AIX CSD) is a member of the European Central Securities Depositories Association. Thomas Murray, the global post-trade risk and custody specialists, raised AIX CSD rating an overall risk assessment of ‘A+’, which denotes a ‘Low Risk’.

The exceptional potential of the exchange is supported by the fact that its partners and shareholders are AIFC, Shanghai Stock Exchange, Silk Road Fund and NASDAQ which provides the AIX trading platform. Interaction with these globally renowned giants brings the most extensive opportunities for the exchange, the AIFC and their partners and members. 

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