Astana Islamic Economy Forum
Astana Islamic Economy Forum

3 July
• Astana Islamic Economy Forum. Transformers Roadshow: Science, Technology and Innovation Competition
• Opening of Transformers Roadshow. Masterclass
• STI Workshop
• Pitch Presentation

4 July
• Astana Islamic Economy Forum: Summit of Islamic financial institutions
• Opening of the Astana Islamic Economy Forum: Summit of Islamic financial institutions
• Islamic finance: next big step
• Islamic fintech - driver of Islamic finance industry development
• Development of Islamic Finance Industry: a view from inside
• Islamic Economy in the Technological Age

The main goal of the forum is to conduct a comprehensive and representative discussion on the economic and geopolitical growth of the Muslim countries, their role in the global economy, the perspectives for the emergence of the new markets, as well as discussion on modern technologies and innovations in the field of finance.

The Forum will focus on the significance of Islamic finance, in support of one of the core pillars of AIFC. The leading experts will discuss the main stages aimed at balanced economic growth by using the opportunities of Islamic finance and financial technologies to create a sustainable future.

On July 3, the Islamic Development Bank (IsDB) "Transformers" Roadshow will take place within the framework of the Forum. Transformers will provide a platform to accelerate STI-led development initiatives across IsDB Member Countries.

On July 4, the Forum brings together captains of industry, the leaders and the representatives of the international organisations, the leading Islamic financial institutions, as well as entrepreneurs, corporate executives and academic scholars to discuss during the plenary sessions and business meetings current issues that affect and influence global economy as well as explore new opportunities.

Congress Center: Otyrar Hall

04 July 18
04 July 18

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