Fintech Lab

Fintech Lab

FinTech Lab is a tailored live environment, where firms can offer innovative financial and RegTech services without being immediately subject to the full set of regulatory requirements.

FinTech Lab allows:

• Firms licenced in foreign jurisdictions to test the regional markets with minimum resources and presence in AIFC.
• Start-up firms to provide activities regulated in the AIFC by gradually complying with regulatory requirements.
• Both incumbent and start-up firms to test new products and technologies in live environment with real clients.



For more information on eligibility criteria for FinTech Lab, please see the AIFC Financial Technology Rules.

Authorisation process:

To access application forms to FinTech Lab, please login to our Self-Service Portal.

Step 1:

Submit a short pre-application form to introduce your project. Make sure that the contact details in your pre-application are correct. AFSA FinTech Lab team will assign a case officer for your application and get in touch with you.

Step 2: 

If your pre-application was approved, please submit a full application form via the Self-Service Portal. Make sure that all required information is included, and all supportive documents are attached to your application.

Step 3: 

AFSA will assess your proposal for admission to the FinTech Lab. If your application is accepted, AFSA jointly with you will elaborate on regulatory requirements and conditions for carrying on FinTech Activities in the FinTech Lab.

Step 4: 

Once all pre-conditions are met authorisation is granted.

If you have any questions about the FinTech Lab, email [email protected] or call +7 (717) 264 73 72. Our FinTech Lab team will be glad to assist you.

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