Education Program "AIFC as a platform for attracting investments"
Education Program "AIFC as a platform for attracting investments"
Academy of Law
03 November 2020 06:45:55

AIFC Academy of Law is happy to announce the end of the four-week distance education program in Russian language "AIFC as a platform for attracting investments" for authorized employees of local executive bodies and organizations responsible for attracting investments. 

In October 2019, Academy of Law successfully held a special 2-day introductory presentations for deputy akims of regions and cities of republican status, who are personally responsible for investment work, in the format of a seminar with full immersion in all areas of the AIFC's activities. 

Taking into account the positive feedback from the regions on the results of the event, as well as in order to further deepen bilateral cooperation and familiarize with the tools of attracting investments using financial institutions and the law of the AIFC, the Academy developed a new Program for local executive bodies. 

The Program started on October 5, 2020 and was carried out until October 26, 2020. In total, the Program consisted of 21 hours: 8 hours for lectures and 13 hours for preliminary reading of the materials. 

Within the Program, regional specialists had the opportunity to be familiarized with all AIFC tools, including on attracting investments. 

We hope that the Program will allow participants to successfully apply the knowledge and skills acquired under the Program in their daily work in order to attract investments using the financial institutions and Acting Law of the AIFC. 

AIFC Academy of Law congratulates all participants on the successful completion of the Program and wishes them fruitful work in the future.

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