Starting a business in AIFC

Starting a business in AIFC

The Astana International Financial Centre is a unique hub of the financial world that allows businesses and financial institutions to tap into the markets of EAEU and Central Asia by providing a friendly ecosystem of quality infrastructure and secure independent regulation. By bringing together best practices and opportunities offered by similar institutions around the globe – from New York City and London to Dubai, Hong Kong and Singapore, AIFC offers most successful solutions and technologies in addition to supplementing them with exclusive benefits. Common law framework and beneficial tax regime attract foreign organisations to take advantage of Eurasia’s economic development and long-term prosperity.

With its qualities of efficient business operations and incentives, AIFC plays a vital role in creating a platform that brings investors together who can fulfill the growing financial needs of the region. The regional market demand of the Commonwealth of Independent States, as well as Central Asia, is increasingly becoming an attractive environment for those who are able and willing to invest their capital. AIFC strives to maximise the opportunities offered by our times. Today, the global economy has abundant financial resources. However, relative shortage of attractive investment projects globally draws increased attention and interest to the emerging markets. Central Eurasia is entering a period of long-term economic growth, opening new horizons for companies, countries and their citizens on their way to a bright future.

Thus, the creation of a friendly environment and operational incentives help reducing expenses and make the cost of doing business in the AIFC attractive to the clients and increase their competitiveness. By continually improving infrastructure and technologies, AIFC is committed to offer additional opportunities for the development and growth of large financial, industrial and trade corporations, as well as newcomers in the market.

Distinguished Independent Regulator

The Astana Financial Services Authority (AFSA) is an integrated regulator that registers, authorizes and recognises all entities who carry financial or non-financial services activities. By granting licenses and regulating the activities of all banking and financial institutions within the Centre, AFSA plays a key role in making sure AIFC participants are doing business in a reliable environment of transparency and legitimacy.


Common Law Court System

AIFC is the first institution in the region to offer businesses a complete and comprehensive legal platform for attracting, implementing and protecting investments. AIFC jurisdiction is based on the principles, norms and precedents of the law of England and Wales. Made up of 9 British judges, the AIFC Court is independent from Kazakhstan’s judiciary system and has exclusive jurisdiction over all civil and commercial disputes arising within AIFC as well as relating to bodies and companies registered in AIFC.

Innovative Trading Infrastructure

The Astana International Exchange (AIX) is created based on the most innovative solutions with the support from the most experienced and influential international players. Its main strategic partners are the Shanghai Stock Exchange, the hi-tech stock exchange giant NASDAQ that provided the trading platform for the AIX, international financial corporation Goldman Sachs, and the Silk Road Fund, which opens access to projects in the framework of the Belt and Road Initiative.

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