AIFC Participants Forum 3.0
AIFC Participants Forum 3.0

With Corona Virus Disease 2019, the world is fighting a health pandemic as well as an economic pandemic, the shattering impact of it has brought on a business crisis without precedent in recent memory. The World Bank’s initial estimates on the effects of COVID-19 on the world economy forecast fall in global GDP of up to 4% below baseline. The economic damage is largely driven by a fall in demand. The World Trade Organization, in its April forecast, said global trade volume could plummet by 12.9% or 31.9% this year — depending on the trajectory of the global economy.
In Kazakhstan, the COVID-19 outbreak coincided with a sharp fall in oil prices, exposing the country to a dual shock. The crisis mostly affected the revenues of companies operating in the aviation, fitness, restaurant, and non-food retail sectors.
Regardless, the pandemic will fundamentally reshape how do business from now on, companies are focused on the accelerated digitization of their sales channels, and interaction channels with clients. Behavioural trends that were already underway, including the use of e-commerce, telemedicine, remote learning, video communication, at-home entertainment or exercise, and food delivery, have seen significant acceleration.
The AIFC Participants Forum 3.0 hosted under the umbrella of Virtual Astana Finance Days 2020 focuses on bringing in the expertise of various AIFC Participants to share their knowledge and ideas on the aftermath of COVID-19. Partake in the event will give you an opportunity to analyze how our Participants have survived through a lockdown period, how to innovate and adapt to a world changed by the pandemic.
The powerhouses of e-commerce and ancillary services providers will share both positive and negative effects on their business, challenges they overcame to stay effective and unique opportunities to meet emerging needs and establish new consumer patterns.
The experts at AIFC will also share their side of the story by letting everyone know about the new product that has been developed to keep attracting potential investments and ease the process by which organizations can conduct their business.
The Virtual Astana Finance Days 2020 will be a week-long and first ever online event in the history of Astana International Financial Centre.
AIFC Business Connect is an entity created by AIFC in order to support and fulfill the interests of potential and present institutions in developing Kazakhstan towards a better future.


01 July 20

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