Eurasian Cooperation
Eurasian Cooperation

• EEC - AIFC: horizons of cooperation;
• The impact of blockchain technologies and crypto-currencies on the implementation of the coordinated macroeconomic policy and the formation of a Common financial market within the EAEU framework.

2018-2019 are expected to become an era of the blockchain technologies implementation and the development of cryptocurrency regulation when we will observe how different countries introduce legislative regulation of turnover, investment, and trading of the cryptocurrency; including ICO; cryptocurrency exchanges, and its taxation; creation of the legislation framework for the blockchain projects.

The blockchain technology development and cryptocurrency agenda is an important issue for the Member States of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU, Union) and the Eurasian Economic Commission (EEC). Within the EAEU framework the plans to create a common financial market and implement the digital agenda of the Union by 2025 are executing. In addition, the wide use of cryptocurrency is likely to influence the monetary conditions and the macroeconomic stability in the EAEU countries and the EAEU as a whole.

In the end of 2017 EEC started a series of events in the countries of the Union to discuss the essence of the new phenomenon of cryptocurrency and blockchain technologies, its impact on the macroeconomic stability of the Member States, and the opportunity to develop the common regulation approaches for the cryptocurrency on the territory of the EAEU.

The plenary session "The impact of blockchain technologies and cryptocurrencies on the implementation of the coordinated macroeconomic policy and the formation of a Common financial market within the EAEU framework" will be devoted to the following three key issues:

The role of digital financial technologies in the transformation of traditional economy. The practice of using blockchain technologies and cryptocurrency in the EAEU Member States.

Government regulation in the field of blockchain and cryptocurrencies: the experience of the EAEU Member States.

Deepening integration in the EAEU in the context of digital financial technologies development: prospects for the creation of the financial jurisdiction of the EAEU.

The event will bring together leading experts from the development institutions, government bodies, professional associations, research organisations, financial institutions of the EAEU Member States. The session will be moderated by the Member of the Board (Minister) for Integration and Macroeconomics of the EEC, Tatyana Valovaya.

Congress Center: Moscow Hall

04 July 18

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