Global Finance Forum
Global Finance Forum
AIFC, The Reinventing Bretton Woods Committee

The two-day Global Finance Forum will organise an exclusive discussion of key issues of financial sector development. A series of panel sessions will facilitate an open dialogue on the development of financial centres, sustainability of financial system, development of local capital markets and financial capital management. The forum will focus on Astana as the financial services hub for the Belt and Road Initiative, and a significant centre of expertise and best practices. The third item on the agenda is a new economy in the context of the fourth industrial revolution. The panel sessions will shed the light on modern regulators, the global trends in financial technology, including crypto currency. The discussions will gather together the representatives of central banks and regulators, academia, the heads of largest financial institutions.

The Global Finance Forum will also present a book on sustainability of the global financial system with essays by the speakers of the panel session.

Congress Center: New York Hall/ London Hall

03 July 18
04 July 18

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