The Repurposing of the State: State Owned Entreprise Reforms in Eurasia
The Repurposing of the State: State Owned Entreprise Reforms in Eurasia


As part of building back better,  the role and the reform of state owned entreprises, (SOE) might become a priority for the region. The governments’ large role in the economy is reflected in the dominance of state-owned enterprises in the local markets, which impedes efficiency and entrepreneurship. According to the World Bank,  in Kazakhstan, for example, these companies account for about half of total value-added, one-third of employment, and hold assets equal to nearly half of the gross domestic product (GDP). In Uzbekistan, they account for about half of total value-added and 20% of employment.  What should be the best road map for reform to improve governance and prepare if needed process for privatization?


Farhad Taghizadeh-Hesary, PhD, Associate Professor of Economics, Tokai University, Japan

Rika Ishii, Lead Economist for Industry, Commerce and Agribusiness sector at the Country Sector Economics Department, EBRD

Nicolas Blancher, Mission Chief for Kazakhstan and Division Chief for Central Asia in the IMF’s Middle East and Central Asia Department

Hans Christiansen, Senior Economist, Corporate Governance and Corporate Finance Division, OECD

Aziza Umarova, CEO smart Gov, Uzbekistan


7:00 pm (Online)

11 December 20

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