Financial Technologies

Financial Technologies

The AIFC FinTech gives an opportunity to solve today’s FinTech challenges with tomorrow’s solutions.

With its modern infrastructure, flexible regulations, easy communication environment and legal transparency, the AIFC is well positioned to attract tech companies and become a regional Fintech hub. The introduction and development of the relatively new FinTech aspect allows to reduce cost of traditional financial services, facilitate an expanded integration with global markets and accelerate the development of the local financial system.

The AIFC Fintech is the first regulator in the region to introduce a highly international FinTech regulatory sandbox, a tailored live environment where firms can offer FinTech and RegTech services without the full burden of regulatory requirements. 

The AIFC FinTech creates favourable conditions and high quality infrastructure for the development of the financial technologies market. It sets a goal to unite all regional participants of the financial technologies market to implement and stimulate new products, create a single market for financial technology providers, increase the level of human capital and know-how, and develop entrepreneurial thinking within the population.

We promote healthy fintech ecosystem development by encouraging innovations and at the same time ensuring the protection of the customers.

We aim to attract fintechs from all over the world, bringing entrepreneurs together with international investors, industry experts, and great talent pool, which will then in turn help to develop a more mature, diverse and knowledgeable investment market in Kazakhstan with a pipeline of opportunities for venture capital funds and financial institutions.

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