The volume of traded KAP.Y global depositary receipts on the AIX doubled
The volume of traded KAP.Y global depositary receipts on the AIX doubled
04 March 2019 00:00:00

Astana International Exchange (AIX) presents its market update for the period from 1 to 28 February 2019.

Trading volume of “Kazatomprom” JSC KAP.Y global depositary receipts (GDR) for the indicated period amounted to $632.6 thd, which is almost 100% more than in January 2019. Turnover in ordinary shares of “Kazatomprom” (KAP) amounted to 714 mln 090 thd tenge, which is 13% less compared to the previous month.  The average monthly volume of trading in shares and receipts of “Kazatomprom” on AIX exceeds $ 2.5 million.

“These are good figures that demonstrate the liquidity AIX can bring to issuers”, noted Tim Bennett, AIX CEO. “However, an even more important indicator is the velocity, at 50% for shares and 95% for GDRs in February, which is a high level and a very encouraging sign of future activity for a frontier market”.

Trading Update


Nbr Trades in February

% Change over prior month


Value traded in February


% Change over prior month

Volume traded in February

% Change over prior month

Nbr Trades YTD

Value Traded YTD




KZT 714,090,325





KZT 1,541,209,875




USD 632,583.23





USD 949,255.71


AIX. Astana International Exchange (AIX) was formed in 2017 as part of the development of the Astana International Financial Centre, AIFC. On the 14th November 2018, the first trading session on AIX has been launched by the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev. AIX’s shareholders include AIFC, Goldman Sachs, Shanghai Stock Exchange, the Silk Road Fund and NASDAQ, which also provides AIXs trading platform.

AIFC. The AIFC was established on the initiative of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev. In December 2015 President Nazarbayev approved the Constitutional Statute “On the Astana International Financial Centre” (AIFC). The aim of the AIFC is to establish a leading international centre for financial services. The objectives of the AIFC are to attract investment into the economy through the establishment of an attractive environment for investment in financial services, develop local capital markets, ensuring their integration with the international capital markets.

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