Программа Инвестиционного Налогового Резидентства

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Программа Инвестиционного Налогового Резидентства

First Name and Last Name *
E-mail *
Your age *
Country of citizenship *
Have you been a tax resident of Kazakhstan within the last 20 years preceding the initial application to participate in the Programme?* *
Have you been a resident of Kazakhstan within the last 20 years preceding the initial application to participate in the Programme?* *
Do you intend to apply for Tax Residency in Kazakhstan?* *
  • Abroy Boutique Law Firm
  • Legal Consulting Community Limited
  • DH Private
  • BOND STONE International Law Firm
  • OD Consulting
  • Benefits&Partners
How did you learn about the Programme?* *
By clicking the «Send» button, you consent to the collection and processing of your personal data in accordance with the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated May 21, 2013 N 94-V «On Personal Data and their Protection», AIFC Data Protection Regulations* *

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