Press releases
Press releases
AIFC Authority
01 February 2019 00:00
AIFC Committee Launches “Global Sandbox” Program
The Global Financial Innovation Network (GFIN) is a newly-formed alliance of 29 financial regulators and organisations including, Financial Conduct Authority of the UK, International Monetary Fund, World Bank Group and Astana Financial Services
01 February 2019 00:00
AFSA jointly with global regulators launches GFIN (Global Sandbox)
The Global Financial Innovation Network (GFIN) is a newly-formed alliance of 28 financial regulators and organisations including, Financial Conduct Authority of the UK, International Monetary Fund, World Bank Group and Astana Financial Services
AIFC Authority
31 January 2019 00:00
Kairat Kelimbetov addressed Caspian Week conference in Davos
Representatives of the Astana International Financial Center participated in the Caspian Week conference, the 3rd annual conference aimed to develop the human, economic and environmental potential of the Greater Caspian Region. The conference was held
AIFC Authority
18 January 2019 00:00
President of the International Association for Court Administration acquainted with the AIFC legal regime
K. Mami hosted the President of the International Association for Court Administration Mr. Mark Beer.The Governor of AIFC Kairat Kelimbetov also attended the meeting from the Kazakhstani side. Reported by the press service of Constitutional Court.During
AIFC Authority
28 December 2018 00:00
AIFC wishes you Happy New Year
Dear friends, The team of Astana International Financial Centre congratulates you on the upcoming New Year and expresses its sincere wishes. 2018 was full of significant moments and achievements both for the AIFC and for the whole Kazakhstan. On July
AIFC Court
20 December 2018 00:00
AIFC Court and IAC Registrar awarded Honorary Professorship
Mr. Christopher Campbell-Holt, the Registrar and Chief Executive of the AIFC Court and International Arbitration Centre (“the IAC”), has been awarded an Honorary Professorship by the M. Narikbayev KAZGUU University (“KAZGUU”) in recognition of
20 December 2018 00:00
AIFC Court and IAC Registrar awarded Honorary Professorship
Mr. Christopher Campbell-Holt, the Registrar and Chief Executive of the AIFC Court and International Arbitration Centre (“the IAC”), has been awarded an Honorary Professorship by the M. Narikbayev KAZGUU University (“KAZGUU”) in recognition of
AIFC Authority
16 December 2018 00:00
Kazakhstan is celebrating the main national holiday of the country - Independence Day
On December 16, Kazakhstan is celebrating a significant holiday for the whole country - Independence Day of Kazakhstan. On December 16 in 1991 the Law on Independence and State Sovereignty of our Republic was adopted. The independence of Kazakhstan was
11 December 2018 00:00
Astana International Exchange Market Update Week ended 7th December
Astana International Exchange announces its market operational update for the period from the 14th November to the 7th December 2018 inclusive. Turnover for the period was KZT 2,421,765,090 (1,648 trades, 522,097 ordinary shares) of JSC NAC Kazatomprom
11 December 2018 00:00
Обзор торговой деятельности Биржи МФЦА
Биржа Международного финансового центра Астана (AIX) представляет обзор торговой деятельности за период с 14 ноября по 7 декабря 2018 года
05 December 2018 00:00
КТЖ разместили еврооблигации на Бирже МФЦА
5 декабря 2018 года АО НК ҚТЖ осуществило сделку по размещению пятилетних еврооблигаций в объеме 170 млн. швейцарских франков с доходностью к
AIFC Green Finance Centre
01 December 2018 00:00
Concept on introduction and development of green finance instruments and principles
This project was established to assist the AIFC scope, conceptualize and initiate development of a domestic green financial system. Given its unique regulatory status, strong mandate for green finance development and the high political priority on
26 November 2018 00:00
AFSA has joined Group of Banking Supervisors from Central and Eastern Europe
The ceremony of joining the Group of Banking Supervisors from Central and Eastern Europe (BSCEE), a regional group of Basel Committee on Banking Supervision, took place on 26 November 2018 in Abu Dhabi on the margins of the International Conference on
AIFC Authority
23 November 2018 00:00
Astana International Financial Centre Held Legal Conference
"Practical Aspects of AIFC Law" legal conference was held by the Astana International Financial Centre (hereinafter - AIFC). The event was attended by representatives of leading international financial and investment companies, as well as world-famous
AIFC Authority
16 November 2018 00:00
AIFC Authority Legal Department is launching the AIFC Legal Monthly Newsletter
AIFC Legal Monthly Newsletter is an excellent communication tool, where you can find information about the highlights of each month, current and upcoming events and other useful information. The format allows to include a behind the scenes look at what
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