AFSA changes its approach to digital asset admission
AFSA changes its approach to digital asset admission
16 October 2023 06:54:34

AFSA has waived the requirement for cryptoexchanges and other providers licensed to operate in AFSA’s Fintech Lab to seek an approval from AFSA to admit Digital Assets that are provided within a “Green List” to trading on their trading platforms.

AFSA has issued the relating Notice No. AFSA-F-NB-2023-0007, which refers to a list of 67 Digital Assets which are now admitted to trading throughout the testing period of Digital Asset Trading Facilities licensed in AFSA’s FinTech Lab.

FinTech Lab Participants wishing to provide Financial Services with these Digital Assets may now notify AFSA in advance instead of seeking individual regulatory approvals. The list may be extended by AFSA if it approves new Digital Asset admission applications.

AFSA Chief FinTech Officer Yerkegali Yedenbayev: “The Notice is a step forward towards supporting responsible and transparent innovation with Digital Assets at AFSA FinTech Lab.”

Full text of the Notice is available at this link.

The list of Digital Assets is available at this link

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