
Constitutional Statute of the Republic of Kazakhstan ‘On the AIFC’ is adopted


The AIFC Authority is established


The AIFC Management Council determines the AIFC Development Strategy and the Structure of the AIFC Bodies

AIFC Bodies and organisations are established

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The Shanghai Stock Exchange and Nasdaq become AIX strategic partners


The AIFC Legal Advisory Council is established

Regulatory framework of the AIFC is adopted

1st Astana Finance Days international conference is held

AIFC launches its FinTech Lab regulatory sandbox

First Ancillary Service Provider license (Legal and Consulting Services) is issued


The official launch of the AIFC

Goldman Sachs and Silk Road Fund become AIX partners

Trading is officially launched on the AIX – IPO of the national company Kazatomprom

First Regulated Activities license bank (first bank) is issued

First Crowdfunding platform (in Fintech Lab)

Astana is ranked 51st out of 102 in the Global Financial Centres Index (GFCI 25), being the 1st in the region of Eastern Europe and Central Asia

The AIFC Central Shari’ah Advisory Board is established


The first dispute resolution case

The AIFC Court and International Arbitration Centre launch a new e-filing system, eJustice

First fund manager is authorized

The AIFC registers its 500th participant

First registered digital asset trading facility (crypto currency exchange).

The AIX launches Tabys trading application for retail investors


Listing of the first Islamic securities (sukuk), green bonds and RMB-denominated bond on the AIX

Listing of the first Islamic securities (sukuk), green bonds and RMB-denominated bond on the AIX

The AIFC Expat Centre welcomes its 10,000th service customer

Kazakhstan enters the Global Green Finance Index being 1st in the region of Eastern Europe and Central Asia and 57th in the world

Regulatory enhancements governing the provision of financial services by AIFC participants to financial market of Kazakhstan


The AIFC registers its 1,000th participant

Listing of the first social bonds on the AIX

The first Shari’ah compliant Exchange Traded Notes are listed on the AIX

The IPO of the national company KazMunayGas is held on the AIX

1000 cases resolved and completed by the AIFC Court and the IAC


New regulations aimed at strengthening the legal services market within the AIFC have been approved

Launch of the AIFC Investment Tax Residency Programme

Launch of the pilot project on collaboration of AIFC crypto exchanges with Kazakhstani commercial banks

First graduation from FinTech Lab

The AIFC registers its 2,000th participant

2000 cases resolved and completed by the AIFC Court and the IAC


The AIFC authorises its 150th ancillary service provider

AIFC assessed by FATF as subject to standards monitoring (highest rating)


Stay tuned for the latest developments at the AIFC

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