Astana Financial Services Authority resumes capacity building events on registration and authorisation of AIFC Participants
Astana Financial Services Authority resumes capacity building events on registration and authorisation of AIFC Participants
05 April 2021 08:17:24

Astana Financial Services Authority (AFSA) resumed its capacity building webinars for AIFC Participants devoted to enhancing understanding of practical aspects of registration and authorisation by AFSA. First training event of this year “How to register online via Digital Resident Portal” was held on 26 March 2021 for law firms. The event covered functioning of the Digital Resident Portal’s following aspects:

  • Registration of Private company;
  • FinTechLab In-principle approval;
  • Ancillary services in-principle approval.

More than 40 participants attended the session. Recording of the webinar is available below.

The event was devoted to the online application through Digital Resident platform. Main requirements and application process for registration, FinTech Lab pre-application and application stages. The webinar also focused on types of Ancillary Service Providers (ASPs) and relevant legislation (GEN, AML, COB, AUD) and supporting documents to prepare prior to applying for in-principle approval.

Three more quarterly webinars are planned for 2021 and will be announced in due course.

Persons interested in providing feedback on functioning of the portal may complete a short survey by clicking the link.

For questions and requests you can write to [email protected]

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