AIFC continues its active development in the technological field
AIFC continues its active development in the technological field
31 January 2020 16:02:14

Today within the international forum Digital Almaty the Prime-Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan A. Mamin has announced the launch of an educational programme for training of highly qualified personnel in the field of IT at the Astana International Financial Centre. The school is based on the Qwasar Silicon Valley programme and is called Qwant.

Today, a press conference “Adaptive technology for training future specialists for new digital world” was held, that was timed to the launch at the AIFC Bureau in April of the QWANT high-tech school which is based on Qwasar technologies.

In order to ensure successful modernisation of the economy of Kazakhstan, as well as responding to the challenges of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, the AIFC continues to actively develop for digital direction and plans to open this spring the QWANT high-tech school based on the AIFC Bureau. The opening of the school, as one of the stages of the implementation of the AIFC medium-term strategy, will contribute to the digitalisation of the financial industry through preparation of high-quality personnel in the field of financial technologies that can develop and implement non-banking products taking into account the requirements of the digital economy.

Yernur Rysmagamberov, Deputy CEO, AIFC Authority:

“The idea of launching a high-tech school is based on the study of global trends moving towards digitalization and automation of all processes. Based on its successful empirical experience in implementing international professional certifications on the basis of the AIFC Bureau, which was carried out taking into account the needs of the local market and applying the best international practices for implementing international standards, the AIFC is now aimed at training professionals in the technological field that meet the needs of the industry and the market as a whole.”

The QWANT school curriculum consists of several educational modules: a 6-month intensive programme for specialists with experience in programming, as well as a longer programme for those who want to acquire programming skills. Modules of different intensity and duration, oriented both to practicing specialists and to future university graduates were specially designed so that they can now learn advanced methods and be able to find competitive jobs in Kazakhstani companies according to their profile and profession.

Learning programme is based on the principles of "active learning", project training, gamification, and role modelling. All these principles have been tested for several years at the EPITECH University and innovation School 42. A distinctive feature of the school is the exclusion of teaching staff as a facilitator and supervisor of the educational process. Responsibility and the result lie entirely on a student, which creates a precedent for creativity in solving problems, develops communication skills, teaches to work independently and in teams, focuses on the result.

QWANT high-tech school launches in partnership with the American company Qwasar Silicon Valley. The application process for studying at the school will be carried out online through the school website -



AIFC. The Astana International Financial Centre (AIFC) was created on the initiative of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan – Elbasy Nursultan Nazarbayev. The constitutional law “On the AIFC” was signed on December 7, 2015. The AIFC goal is to create a leading centre of financial services at the international level. The AIFC objectives are to assist in attracting investment in the country's economy, create an attractive environment for investing in financial services, develop the securities market of the Republic of Kazakhstan and ensure its integration with international capital markets.


QWASAR: An innovative software development company that has developed a learning platform that focuses on training of future professionals for the digital world. The company was founded by Kwame Yamgnane and Jennifer Robertson in 2018. The campus of the school is in Auckland, California. The school programme includes courses for programmers, project managers and digital marketing.


AIFC Bureau (BCPD Ltd.) specialises in preparing for international professional certifications using the best international practices in the field of continuing professional development in order to expand human resources and form a pool of international professionals from local specialists to work in the AIFC eco-system and on the open market.

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