Astana has solidified its leading position in the Eastern Europe and Central Asia region in the GGFI 12 ranking
Astana has solidified its leading position in the Eastern Europe and Central Asia region in the GGFI 12 ranking
AIFC Authority
26 October 2023 00:00:00

In the recently published Global Green Finance Index 12 (GGFI 12) Astana maintained its leadership in the Eastern Europe and Central Asia region. Istanbul secured the second position, trailing Astana by 22 points in the overall ranking. 

GGFI 12 relies on 130 key factors provided by independent experts, including reputable organisations like the World Bank, The Economist Intelligence Unit, the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development and the United Nations. The index compiles assessments from 5 224 financial centre evaluations conducted by 773 financial services professionals who responded to the GGFI's online questionnaire. 

GGFI 12 evaluates 94 financial centres worldwide, considering the depth and quality of green finance in these centres as assessed by financial services professionals. 

In the overall GGFI 12 ranking, Kazakhstan ranked 53rd globally. 

The development of green finance in Kazakhstan is overseen by the AIFC Green Finance Center (GFC), which introduces and promotes sustainable finance instruments to attract investment for environmental and social projects in Kazakhstan and Central Asia. GFC has introduced the definitions of green finance and green taxonomy (a classification system for green projects with technical criteria) into national environmental legislation. 

Inclusion in this ranking serves as an indicator of trust among potential investors, independent experts, reputable financial and analytical institutions, and demonstrates the financial centre's commitment to the principles of green finance. 



Astana International Financial Centre (AIFC) is an independent jurisdiction with a favourable legal and regulatory environment and developed infrastructure for starting and doing business, attracting investments, creating jobs, and developing Kazakhstan's economy.  

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