Gadhi: Cities account for 75% of global greenhouse gas emissions, even though cities cover only 2% of the Earth's surface
Gadhi: Cities account for 75% of global greenhouse gas emissions, even though cities cover only 2% of the Earth's surface
Tech Hub
04 December 2021 13:22:09

At the invitation of the AIFC Tech Hub, as part of the World Economic Forum's network of Affiliate Centers for the 4th Industrial Revolution (C4IR), Sridhar Raju Gadhi, Executive Chairman of Quantela participated in the Almaty Investment Forum 2021, an international online investment forum.

During his speech, Sridhar Raju Gadhi said that 75% of Greenhouse Gases contribution comes from cities, which occupy only 2% of the surface area of the world. "If we make our cities a little bit efficient, we can make a major global impact," Gahdi emphasized.

Sridhar Gadhi added that implementations are being made using Internet of Things (IoT) solutions across six pillars: public safety, waste management, water management, traffic management, lighting and parking.

Gadhi talked about the approach of implementing business models to empower societies with the right digital infrastructure. This enables cities to deliver greater economic and social outcomes.

The Almaty Investment Forum 2021 is the main investment forum to discuss the development of entrepreneurship and increase the investment attractiveness of the city, priorities and tools for the development of Almaty as a center of economic competitiveness of Kazakhstan, as well as issues related to agglomeration, urbanization, digital transformation and integration of human capital.

Speakers of the event were also the Head of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) in Kazakhstan Ozkan Hussein, the Head of Mercer Slagin Paraktil, the Head Head of International Finance Corporation (IFC) in Kazakhstan Yekaterina Benjamin and many others.

To learn more about the smart city development and see the full recording of the speech, please visit the link:



Astana International Financial Centre was established on the initiative of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan – Elbasy Nursultan Nazarbayev as part of the National Plan "100 steps to implement five institutional reforms". On July 2, 2020, as part of the meeting of the AIFC Management Council, the Center's Development Strategy was adopted until 2025. According to it, the vision of the AIFC is to become a leading international financial centre in the region, including Central Asia, the Caucasus, the EAEU countries, Western China, Mongolia and Eastern Europe.

The mission of AIFC is to promote the sustainable long-term development of the region. As the Head of State noted, K.Tokayev, "The AIFC with its unique capabilities can act as a universal platform connecting the countries of the region."

AIFC Tech Hub is the meeting point for global start-ups, entrepreneurs, corporations, investors, experts, and specialists in the field of innovation. Technology development in the AIFC includes programs to support startups, corporate innovations, the venture capital market, specially developed rules and a regulator that allow testing products and solutions in the field of technology.

The affiliate Centre for 4 Industrial Revolution in Kazakhstan was launched by the World Economic Forum (WEF) together with AIFC and the Ministry of Digital Development, Innovations and Aerospace Industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan in July 2021. WEF founded the global network of the Centres for the 4IR, which brings together global companies, governments, startups, small and medium enterprises, academia, and international organizations from around the world to work together in 9 innovative areas. AIFC Tech Hub implements the Industry 4.0 direction within the Affiliate Centre for the 4th Industrial Revolution (4IR), which was launched in July 2021 and started functioning in September 2021, and it provides exceptional opportunities and resources.

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