The results of the 1st QWANT Programming Olympiad: Joint Initiatives of the IT Educational Alliance and Microsoft Kazakhstan
The results of the 1st QWANT Programming Olympiad: Joint Initiatives of the IT Educational Alliance and Microsoft Kazakhstan
AIFC Authority
22 April 2021 07:28:08

Educational IT Alliance and Microsoft Kazakhstan are teaming up to train specialists in finance, technology, and IT. The memorandum was signed during the award ceremony for the winners of the 1st QWANT Programming Olympiad, held on April 19, 2021.

The parties consider the possibilities for joint action on the further development of the national and regional markets of EdTech, as well as organization of events aimed at professional development for IT specialists. Cooperation will focus on training of experts in the fields of “Cloud Computing”, “Cybersecurity”, “Data & AI”, “Software Engineering” and other areas. Training will be provided including through the automated cloud platform called QWANT.

QWANT programming Olympiad gathered more than 280 participants aged 14-18 years from almost every region of Kazakhstan. The event was held on the initiative of the AIFC Bureau for Continuing Professional Development (BCPD Ltd.) and supported by Microsoft Kazakhstan and Bilim Media Group. All participants and winners received digital certificates, gifts from partners and the opportunity to study at QWANT school.

Kanat Kozhakhmet, Director of the Educational IT Alliance: “We are confident in the success of joint initiatives with Microsoft to develop specialists in IT, finance and data analysis. We believe that the path to sustainable economic growth lies through the creation of high-quality human capital.”

Nurlan Zhanybek, Head of Education Sector at Microsoft in Kazakhstan and CIS countries: Microsoft's mission is to empower every person and organization on the planet to achieve more . Therefore, it is indeed a great honor for us to be partners in projects for the implementation of innovative solutions in the field of education that will help specialists, schoolchildren and students expand their knowledge and capabilities in IT. We want to help them master technology and gain diverse and rewarding skills through engaging and highly practical educational content.   

Beibarys Umirbaev, Team Lead of QWANT School: “The main objective of the QWANT Programming Olympiad was to promote the development of programming skills among teenagers. We strive to find and support motivated students who will become a valuable source of innovation in the field of digitalization and computer technology in the future! After all, the digital economy is growing, so does the demand for IT talents. It has never been so important to develop interest in this area among the youth. That is why we are confident in the success of joint educational initiatives between the Educational IT Alliance and Microsoft Kazakhstan”


Contact for media:

Alina Kvon, [email protected]; 87015127918


Reference Information:

Educational IT Alliance is a new non-profit organization based on the AIFC ecosystem. The aim of the organization is to make fruitful collaboration between the IT business environment, universities and the public sector of the country. A distinctive feature of the educational IT Alliance is the inspiration of the young professional community for development, through mentoring, exchange of experience with industry professionals, through training and professional development in the field of information technology in Kazakhstan.

Microsoft (Nasdaq “MSFT” @microsoft) provides the environment for digital transformation in the era of the smart cloud and smart technology. The company's mission is to enable every person and organization on the planet to achieve more.

QWANT is a programming school by BCPD that aims to train tech professionals for the digital economy. The entire educational process is organized using the industry leading innovative platform - QWASAR Silicon Valley, which combines experience of best IT schools in Europe and the USA. There are no teachers, lectures, or grades in QWANT. The learning process is based on principles of active learning, project management, gamification and role-play with a deep immersion into programming languages.

Bureau for Continuing Professional Development (BCPD) specializes in preparing for international professional certifications using the best international practices in the field of professional development in order to expand human resources and form a pool of international-level professionals from local specialists to work in the AIFC eco-system and in the open market.

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