- Anti-Money Laundering And Counter-Terrorist Financing Rules
- Guidance (Requirements applicable to the Rules of Internal Control for the purposes of counteracting the legislation (laudering) of proceeds from crime and the financing of terrorism for financial monitoring entities of the Astana Financial Centre (the Relevant Persons)
- Guidance (Requirements) applicable to the Rules of Internal Control for the purposes of counteracting the legalisation (laundering) of proceeds from crime and the financing of terrorism for financial monitoring entities of the AIFC (the Relevant Persons)
- Guidance to AIFC Anti-Money Laundering and Counter – Terrorist Financing Framework
- Practical Guidance to AIFC Anti-Money Laundering and Counter – Terrorist Financing Framework
- Joint Order between AIFC and MoF on AML on Counteracting legalisation (laundering) of proceeds obtained through criminal means and financing of terrorism
- Annual AML Return Form