2 students from Astana will have internship at the AIFC

On September 29-30, a debating tournament took place in Nazarbayev University among English debating clubs of the capital under the auspices of World Investor Week 2018. 20 teams from Nazarbayev University, Eurasian National University named after LN Gumilev, KazAU after S.Seifullin and Haileybury (British Independent School in Astana).

The tournament was held in the British Parliamentary format, official for the World and European Championships, with two approvers (the government) and two opposing (opposition) teams.

The discussion topic was announced 15 minutes before the start of the game, during which the teams had to find and work out arguments to defend the position (government/opposition), appointed by drawing lots.

Discussions were conducted on such topical economic topics as investing during the financial crisis, a policy of affirmative action aimed at the development of women’s entrepreneurship, investment of transnational corporations in human capital, state support for private enterprises, control of international organizations over the monetary policy of countries receiving financial assistance, taxation of inheritance and property, etc.

The judges of the tournament were experienced debaters, winners of major international tournaments such as Manas Cup 2017, Big Politics Cup 2017, ELI CUP 2017, Speak Up, NUDA, and also judges from Nomad Sky 2017 and 2018.

The winners of the tournament are the fourth-year students of Nazarbayev University Mukhtar Tashkenbaev and Dauren Binazarov – will have internship at the AIFC.

The tournament was held jointly with the debating club “Nomad” – the organizer of more than 15 annual tournaments, including the international debate tournament “Nomad Sky”, the national tournament “Koshpendiler kokzhiegi”, as well as the Nazarbayev University Debate Academy.

Congratulations to the winners and we wish you successful Internship at the AIFC!

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