AIFC Green Finance Centre, Eurasian Development Bank and Akimat of Kyzylorda region signed a trilateral Memorandum on mutual understanding

On April 21st of the current year, representatives of the AIFC Green Finance Centre (hereinafter referred to as the GFC), the Eurasian Development Bank (hereinafter referred to as the EDB) and the business community of Nur-Sultan city visited Kyzylorda region. Kyzylorda region has a huge potential for sustainable development in Kazakhstan, it is also included in the list of five actively developing regions.

However, the region has environmental problems that require vast attention. Thus, within the framework of this visit, the GFC, the EDB and the Akimat of the Kyzylorda region signed a tripartite memorandum of understanding on partnership in the field of green finance (hereinafter referred to as the Memorandum).

The following Memorandum provides for trilateral cooperation to assist the Akimat of the Kyzylorda region in the implementation of investment projects in social and ecological fields in the Kyzylorda region and the Aral Sea.

Within the meeting, representatives of GFC and EDB discussed with the Akim of the Kyzylorda region Abdykalikova G.N. the possibilities of the joint project office with the Akimat of the Kyzylorda region to support the implementation of green and social investment projects in the region, as well as ways to assist the International Fund for Saving the Aral Sea in attracting debt financing for the implementation of environmental projects in the Aral region.

Moreover, the CEO of the GFC Aidar Kazybayev held meetings with the heads of «Baikonur» SEC» JSC and the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of the Kyzylorda region, as well as representatives of the business community of the Kyzylorda region to familiarize them with the “Astana” International Financial Centre for business opportunities and also active involvement in the implementation of the above projects in the region.


For reference:

The Astana International Financial Centre was created by the initiative of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Leader of the Nation, Nur-Sultan Nazarbayev as part of the “100 steps to implement five institutional reforms” national program. The Centre’s development strategy until 2025 was approved by the Management council of the AIFC during the council’s meeting on July 2, 2020. In accordance with the strategy, the vision of AIFC is in becoming the leading financial centre in the region that includes Central Asia, the Caucasus, EAEU countries, western China, Mongolia, and Eastern Europe.

The mission of the AIFC is to assist the sustainable and long term development of the region. As the head of state Tokayev noted, “AIFC, with its unique opportunities, can act as a universal platform that connects the countries in the region.”

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