AIX held an extended presentation of its trading system for professional participants of the Kazakhstan capital market at the AFK platform

The Exchange of the Astana International Financial Centre (AIX) held an extended presentation of its trading system for professional participants of Kazakhstan stock market at the platform of Association of Financiers of Kazakhstan (AFK).

Upon AFK invitation the event was attended by over 50 representatives of the stock market, second-tier banks, broker and legal companies, KASE, JSC The Integrated Securities Registrar, and other stakeholders.

“The meeting participants had an opportunity to learn about the trading system and ask questions on its functional features, book-building and settlement processes,” Yerlan Burabayev, Managing Director of AFK pointed out.  

According to Yerlan Burabayev, such presentations of the infrastructure elements of the AIFC will be conducted at AFK platform on a regular basis.


The Astana International Financial Centre (AIFC). In December 2015 President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev signed the Constitutional law “On the Astana International Financial Centre” (AIFC). The aim of the AIFC is to form a leading international centre of financial services. For the first time in post-Soviet Region Common law framework has been introduced in the AIFC. English is the official language of the AIFC. 

The objectives of the AIFC are to attract investment into the economy through the establishment of an attractive environment for investment in the financial services, to develop local capital markets, to ensure their integration with the international capital market, and to develop markets for insurance and banking services and for Islamic financing in the Republic of Kazakhstan.      

Astana International Exchange (AIX). In October 2017 during the meeting of the Board of Directors of AIFC, a decision to create AIX was taken. The main strategic partners of AIX are the Shanghai Stock Exchange and NASDAQ, which provided a technical platform. Shanghai Stock Exchange and NASDAQ are among the five largest exchanges in the world. The role of the AIX is to enable domestic and regional development, through the mobilisation of domestic resources and foreign portfolio flows. In doing so, the exchange promotes good governance through its business practices.

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