An innovative event HackMeOut was held at the site of the AIFC
An innovative event HackMeOut was held at the site of the AIFC
Tech Hub
28 October 2021 12:48:13

With support from Astana International Financial Center (AIFC) and the Embassy of Hungary in the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Brain Terminal agency with the Hungarian company MeOutGroup held an innovative event «HackMeOut» from October 26 to 27. Assistance in organizing was provided by the AIFC Tech Hub.

During the «HackMeOut» hackathon, digital developers from Kazakhstan and Hungary developed sustainable business models and project prototypes within 24 hours. Sharing experiences, the teams worked together to solve a pre-set problem.

Simultaneously with the hackathon, the ceremony of awarding the national winners of Kazakhstan in the EuroAsian Startup Awards, which is held in 10 countries, took place. The founder of the competition is MeOutGroup.

Participants and guests of «HackMeOut» were able to attend educational programs, discuss digital trends and take part in a round table of investors from Central Europe and Central Asia.

The event was the first step in building a digital bridge between Central Europe and Central Asia. «HackMeOut» provided a common platform for open, qualified and motivated professionals from Kazakhstan and Hungary.



Astana International Financial Centre (AIFC) created by the initiative of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Nursultan Nazarbayev. The constitutional law on the establishment of the AIFC signed on December 7, 2015. The purpose of AIFC is the formation of a leading centre of financial services on the international level. AIFC’s tasks are to assist in attracting investments to the country’s economy by creating an attractive environment for investing in financial services, developing the securities market of the Republic of Kazakhstan, ensuring its integration with international capital markets.

AIFC Tech Hub is the meeting point for global start-ups, entrepreneurs, corporations, investors, experts, and specialists in the field of innovation. Technology development in the AIFC includes programs to support startups, corporate innovations, the venture capital market, specially developed rules and a regulator that allow testing products and solutions in the field of technology. 

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