Astana International Exchange Market Update for April 2019

Astana International Exchange (AIX) presents its market operational update for April 2019. Total traded value for the period was USD 22,625,437.55, equivalent to KZT 8,641,559,620 .
Traded value on ordinary shares of JSC “NAC “Kazatomprom” (KAP) was KZT 792,250,165 (468 trades). During the same period, there were 15 trades with global depository receipts of Kazatomprom (KAP.Y) with a turnover of USD 211,152.44.
Traded value on ordinary shares of Polymetal International Plc. (Poly) in April was USD 20,340,006.
Trading Update
Security Nbr Trades in April % Change over prior month
Value traded in April
% Change over prior month Volume traded in April % Change over prior month Nbr Trades YTD Value Traded YTD
KAP 468 -6% KZT 792,250,165 16% 150,194 18% 2381 KZT 3,014,292,385
KAP.Y 15 -46% USD 211,152.44 -42% 14,875 -41% 114 USD 1,525,267.18
POLY 15 N/A USD 20,340,006.00 N/A 2,000,000 N/A 15 USD 20,340,006.00
Market Update
In April, AIX welcomed Eurasian Development Bank (the “EDB”) and JSC Bank CenterCredit as new trading members of AIX. The EDB also became a participant of AIX Central Securities Depository.


AIX. Astana International Exchange (AIX) was formed in 2017 as part of the development of the Astana International Financial Centre, AIFC. On the 14th November 2018, the first trading session on AIX has been launched by the first President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev. AIX’s shareholders include AIFC, Goldman Sachs, Shanghai Stock Exchange, the Silk Road Fund and NASDAQ, which also provides AIXs trading platform. 

AIFC. The AIFC was established on the initiative of the first President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev. In December 2015 President Nazarbayev approved the Constitutional Statute “On the Astana International Financial Centre” (AIFC). The aim of the AIFC is to establish a leading international centre for financial services. The objectives of the AIFC are to attract investment into the economy through the establishment of an attractive environment for investment in financial services, develop local capital markets, ensuring their integration with the international capital markets.

EDB. The EDB is an international financial institution established to promote economic growth in its member states, extend trade and economic ties among them, and support integration in Eurasia through investment. The Bank was conceived by the Presidents of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Kazakhstan and established in 2006, following the signing of an international agreement by the Presidents of those two countries on 12 January of that year. The Bank has six member states: the Republic of Armenia, the Republic of Belarus, the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic, the Russian Federation, and the Republic of Tajikistan. The current investment portfolio of the Bank is USD 3.631 billion. The cumulative investment portfolio (including completed projects) equals to USD 7.790 billion. Currently, the EDB is financing 85 investment projects in six member states.

Bank CenterCredit was established on September 19, 1988, it is one of the top commercial banks in Kazakhstan in terms of assets and total deposits. The Bank’s primary business consists of corporate and retail banking. Its corporate banking activities include a broad range of wholesale banking products to a diversified group of domestic customers, primarily small and medium sized companies. The Bank’s retail banking activities and products include retail lending and deposit taking and credit and debit cards. The Bank is also an active participant in the fixed income securities market and foreign currency markets in Kazakhstan.

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