At the Digital Bridge forum there was a discussion on the development of the Internet of things and the Internet as a means of implementing Industry 4.0. in Kazakhstan
At the Digital Bridge forum there was a discussion on the development of the Internet of things and the Internet as a means of implementing Industry 4.0. in Kazakhstan
Tech Hub
30 September 2022 00:00:00

On September 29, 2022, the AIFC Tech Hub successfully held a panel session "From the Internet of Things (IoT) to the Internet of Everything as a Means for Realizing Industry 4.0 in Kazakhstan" at the International Forum Digital Bridge (DB). The discussion was attended by international and local experts in the field of IoT development.

The moderator of the meeting was Asanov Dias, General Director of Siemens in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Opening the panel session, he shared information about the role of the IoT, especially in the energy sector, spoke about the activities of the World Economic Forum's affiliate Centre for the Fourth Industrial Revolution (C4IR), and offered to make it a platform for discussing the development of the IoT in Kazakhstan.

Jeff Merritt, Head of IoT and Urban Transformation, Member of the Executive Committee of the WEF, spoke about the international experience and initiatives in the field of IoT, which the WEF is working on, including with the team of Kazakhstan - C4IR.

The panel also focused on the digital products and solutions of OneWeb, one of the leaders in providing broadband Internet with mobile satellite technologies. Vice President of OneWeb on Mobile Solutions talked about what includes the concept of the Internet of everything, what is different from the IoT and how OneWeb participates in its development.

Yerlan Minavar, Deputy Chairman of the Board for Development and Innovation of JSC "Transtelecom" talked about the existing infrastructure and networks for the development of the IoT in Kazakhstan, as well as how different the situation is between the country's megacities and regions.

Bakytzhan Ilyas, Chairman of the Digital Energy Association of Kazakhstan shared information on the digital maturity of energy enterprises in the country, the Association’s plans for the digital transformation of the industry and the ongoing implementation of energy projects using IoT technology.

At the end of the session, Mukhtar Kuanyshbaiuly, the CEO at Connected Home, as a direct representative of the market, using the Internet of things in business, the speaker spoke about the existing difficulties in the implementation of IoT technologies and solutions to overcome barriers.



The Astana International Financial Center (AIFC) is an independent jurisdiction that started operations in 2018. In accordance with the Development Strategy until 2025, the key focus of the AIFC is to consolidate as a universal platform connecting the countries of the EAEU, Central Asia, and the Caucasus.

The AIFC Tech Hub is a subdivision of the Astana International Financial Centre (AIFC), whose task is to promote the development of the startup ecosystem, venture industry market, e-commerce, corporate innovation, and new technological areas in Kazakhstan (FinTech, GovTech, SatelliteTech, Industry 4.0., etc.). Together with international partners, The AIFC Tech Hub conducts programs to support market players, as well as facilitates the structuring of venture deals and testing of new fintech solutions within the regulatory sandbox of the AIFC jurisdiction.

The Affiliate Centre for 4 Industrial Revolution in Kazakhstan was launched by the World Economic Forum (WEF) together with AIFC and the Ministry of Digital Development, Innovations and Aerospace Industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan in July 2021. AIFC Tech Hub implements the Industry 4.0 direction within the Affiliate Centre for the 4th Industrial Revolution (4IR), which was launched in July 2021 and started functioning in September 2021, and it provides exceptional opportunities and resources.

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