Extention of the State of emergency in Kazakhstan

As of April 14, 2020, the state of emergency has been extended until May 1, 2020, for more details, please, follow the link to official website of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

In this view, the Migration Authority temporally suspended provision of government services including issuance and extension of all visa types during the given emergency period.

Foreign citizens, whose period of permitted stay based on visa or terms of visa expired during the declared state of emergency and who were unable to depart from the Republic of Kazakhstan in due time through no fault of their own, will not be subject to administrative prosecution for illegal stay.

All the procedures for visa issuance, extension and migration registration will proceed as soon as situation permits.

We constantly monitor all news and we will do our best work to provide all information on this matter in due course.

For any questions and urgent assistance, contact AIFC Expat Centre team.

AIFC Services Assistant