Infrastructure Finance Forum was held during Astana Finance Days

Infrastructure Finance Forum was held during the Astana Finance Days. Participants of the event were able to attend three panel sessions: International financial centers: prospects up to 2025 and further along with the World Alliance of International Financial Centers, transport accessibility and regional integration of the New Silk Road market, as well as the “Belt and Way” initiative and digital infrastructure.
Speakers at the forum included world-class experts, such as Managing Director of the World Alliance of International Financial Centers (WAIFC) Jochen Biedermann and former Minister of Trade and Investment of Great Britain Lord Francis Maud.
During the first session, participants discussed the role of international financial centers (IFCs) in the global market. Experts are sure that significant changes have taken place in recent decades and the geographic focus has shifted significantly towards Asia from North America and Europe. During the discussion, they discussed options for stimulating the competitiveness of the IFCs in the future. 
During the session on transport accessibility, participants discussed the importance of regional integration and improvement of transport links, which are necessary to strengthen the economy of the New Silk Road market. 
The participants of the session “The Belt and the Way Initiative and the Digital Infrastructure” noted that the role of digital technologies in the development of the PRC’s Belt and Road Initiative has recently increased. Experts dwelled on the role of technology companies in the region and discussed how regional energy and rural industry projects will affect the level of trade and investment, and overall economic growth. 


AIFC. The Astana International Financial Centre (AIFC) was established at the initiative of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Nursultan Nazarbayev. The constitutional law on the creation of the AIFC was signed on December 7, 2015. The goal of the AIFC is to create a leading centre of financial services at the international level. The objectives of the AIFC are to assist in attracting investments into the country’s economy, creating an attractive environment for investing in the financial services sector, developing the securities market of the Republic of Kazakhstan and ensuring its integration with international capital markets.

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