Investors and foreign experts have access to government services under the “single window” principle.

The Governor of AIFC Kairat Kelimbetov, Mayor of Nur-Sultan city Altay Kulginov and Minister of Digital Development, Innovations and Aerospace Industry Askar Zhumagaliyev have agreed on cooperation in creating enabling environment and investors support.

During the recent meeting on further development of our capital the Head of State has instructed to work on creating the linguistic environment for citizens and guests of the city.

Therefore English language courses would be organized for health personnel as well as for Public Service Centers, Front Offices of district administrations and Centre of General-urban services IQala.

During the training they will adopt experience and resources of the AIFC Expat Centre’s that provides for internationals a wide range of government and non-government resources in English.

The agents for Centre of General-urban services IQala, Astana Invest and Government for Citizens Corp will be providing their services through the AIFC Expat Centre in future.

Additionally within this cooperation for business entities the triangle parity principle would be implemented including signboards, promotional materials and info panels in English. Mayor of the capital Altay Kulginov noted that investment climate of the Nur-Sultan city is improving with every passing year and «30% of investments are from foreign sources. In cooperation with Expat Centre we will provide access to services for foreign experts and companies under the «single window» principle».

It’s worth mentioning that AIFC enjoys a unique preferential visa and migration regime with favorable entry and stay conditions for foreign experts, participants and their family members. Today the Expat Centre is an integral part for municipal and business infrastructure of Nur-Sultan city.

Investors and foreign experts have access to government services under the “single window” principle.

The Governor of AIFC Kairat Kelimbetov, Mayor of Nur-Sultan city Altay Kulginov and Minister of Digital Development, Innovations and Aerospace Industry Askar Zhumagaliyev have agreed on cooperation in creating enabling environment and investors support.

During the recent meeting on further development of our capital the Head of State has instructed to work on creating the linguistic environment for citizens and guests of the city.

Therefore English language courses would be organized for health personnel as well as for Public Service Centers, Front Offices of district administrations and Centre of General-urban services IQala.

During the training they will adopt experience and resources of the AIFC Expat Centre’s that provides for internationals a wide range of government and non-government resources in English.

The agents for Centre of General-urban services IQala, Astana Invest and Government for Citizens Corp will be providing their services through the AIFC Expat Centre in future.

Additionally within this cooperation for business entities the triangle parity principle would be implemented including signboards, promotional materials and info panels in English. Mayor of the capital Altay Kulginov noted that investment climate of the Nur-Sultan city is improving with every passing year and «30% of investments are from foreign sources. In cooperation with Expat Centre we will provide access to services for foreign experts and companies under the «single window» principle».

It’s worth mentioning that AIFC enjoys a unique preferential visa and migration regime with favorable entry and stay conditions for foreign experts, participants and their family members. Today the Expat Centre is an integral part for municipal and business infrastructure of Nur-Sultan city.

AIFC Services Assistant