Large companies supported the AIFC in the initiative to achieve gender equality in Kazakhstan

Astana International Financial Centre (AIFC), in its role as the national coordinator of the initiative of the World Economic Forum in Kazakhstan (WEF), took part in the IV Forum of Rural Women of Kazakhstan. During the Forum, issues of women’s entrepreneurship in rural areas were discussed in the context of gender equality.

The National Commission for Women, Family and Demographic Policy under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Agency for Strategic Reforms and Planning of Kazakhstan, and the Ministry of National Economy of Kazakhstan are already state partners of the initiative.

The event was marked with the signing ceremony of the letter of intent to implement World Economic Forum’s “Closing the Gender Gap” accelerator in Kazakhstan by Coca-Cola and Kazyna Capital Management. As co-chairs of the initiative, the companies will support the AIFC in expanding economic opportunities for women, ensuring their access to finance, education, post-covid labor market and leadership positions.

AIFC is currently completing a systematic analysis of the gender situation in the country and will present the results to the Co-Chairs of the initiative for further joint development of a three-year action plan.



Astana International Financial Centre was established on the initiative of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan – Elbasy Nursultan Nazarbayev as part of the National Plan “100 steps to implement five institutional reforms”. On July 2, 2020, as part of the meeting of the AIFC Management Council, the Center’s Development Strategy was adopted until 2025. According to it, the vision of the AIFC is to become a leading international financial centre in the region, including Central Asia, the Caucasus, the EAEU countries, Western China, Mongolia and Eastern Europe.

The mission of AIFC is to promote the sustainable long-term development of the region. As the Head of State noted, K.Tokayev, “The AIFC with its unique capabilities can act as a universal platform connecting the countries of the region.” The strategic directions of the AIFC’s sustainable development include the development of a closed-cycle economy, financial technologies and a “digital financial center”

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