Nasdaq has become a strategic partner of the AIX

Executive Vice President of Shanghai Stock Exchange (SSE) Mr. Liu Shaotong and Vice Chairman of Nasdaq Meyer (Sandy) Frucher arrived at Astana in order to meet AIFC representatives and participate at the «Kazakhstan Global Investment Roundtable» event. Further, AIFC and SSE held the first General Shareholders meeting.

In the process of a tri-party meetings the parties have signed the series of documents which outline the cooperation of SSE, Nasdaq, AIFC and AIX in the framework of development of the capital market of Kazakhstan and the region.

SSE will promote the development by enhancement of AIX. SSE, as one of the important financial centres and as a shareholder, will contribute with strategic and technological consulting, business planning, product development and market expansion. This partnership will provide additional impulse for the successful implementation of the Silk Road initiative. 

As announced in May 2017, Nasdaq will implement state of the art market technology for AIX to ensure sufficient access of investors to attractive financial instruments. The Nasdaq Matching Engine system offers exceptional performance and greater functionality.

On «Kazakhstan Global Investment Roundtable» forum Mr. Shaotong and Mr. Frucher were the honorable guests at the AIFC briefing “ASTANA’S AMBITIONS IN REGIONAL FINANCE”.  Furthermore, the partners met with Prime Minister of Republic of Kazakhstan Bakytzhan Sagintayev, Minister of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan Bakhyt Sultanov and Chairman of the Management Board, Member of the Board of Directors of SWF “Samruk-Kazyna” Umirzak Shukeyev.

It should be mentioned that multiple investment banks and funds expressed their willingness to become the shareholders of the AIX.

Participation of two leading exchanges in the world – Shanghai Stock Exchange and Nasdaq in the AIFC project in a role of the strategic partners within the framework of the development of the capital market of Kazakhstan will contribute to provide efficiency and stability in the financial market.


AIFC. In December 2015 President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev signed the Constitutional law “On the Astana International Financial Centre” (AIFC). The aim of the AIFC is to form a leading international centre of financial services. For the first time in post-Soviet region Common law framework will be introduced in the AIFC. English shall be the official language of the AIFC.

 The objectives of the AIFC are to attract investment into the economy through the establishment of an attractive environment for investment in the financial services, to develop local capital markets, to ensure their integration with the international capital market, and to develop markets for insurance and banking services and for Islamic financing in the Republic of Kazakhstan.

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