Online Dispute Resolution Now & The Future will be discussed during the Online Astana Finance Days 2020

From 30 June – 3 July 2020 the AIFC Court and International Arbitration Centre (“IAC”) hold webinars in association with the third annual Online Astana Finance Days 2020. The webinars will be dedicated to dispute resolution challenges and innovations during and post the COVID-19 pandemic.

The webinars are a part of a special webinar programme that was launched in April 2020 entitled “The AIFC Court and IAC Webinars Programme 2020”. Fifteen webinars have already been successfully held by the AIFC Court and IAC during this programme with the participation of distinguished speakers including the AIFC Court Judges, IAC arbitrators, and partners of law firms from Kazakhstan and around the world. The purpose of the webinars programme is to ensure that AIFC Court and IAC users and potential users remain connected to the latest dispute resolution innovations including the successful launch and continued free of charge daily use of the ONLINE AIFC Court and IAC which has now facilitated quick and cost effective resolution of more than 90 commercial disputes.

The AIFC Court & IAC Webinars in association with the Online Astana Finance Days 2020 will consist of the following webinars:

  • On 1 July 2002: “Online Dispute Resolution Now & The Future”. Lead by Mr. Christopher Campbell-Holt, the Registrar and Chief Executive of the AIFC Court and IAC, representatives of key dispute resolution institution partners of the AIFC Court and IAC from Beijing and Hong Kong will discuss latest dispute resolution innovations and use of technology to resolve disputes.
  • On 3 July 2020: “Ask the Chief Justice. Ask the IAC Chairman”. The Rt. Hon. The Lord Mance, Chief Justice of the AIFC Court, and Ms. Barbara Dohmann QC, Chairman of the IAC, will answer questions from the webinar participants.


Mr. Christopher Campbell-Holt, Registrar and Chief Executive of the AIFC Court and IAC, commented:

“We have carefully monitored the COVID-19 pandemic and implemented measures to ensure that the AIFC Court and IAC continue to operate 100% online free of charge without disruption. One of the features of the AIFC Court and IAC Webinars in association with the Online Astana Finance Days 2020 is that participants may attend the webinars free of charge via video from anywhere around the world without having to be physically present in Nur-Sultan. The most up to date dispute resolution innovations will be discussed by leading experts during the webinars. We encourage anyone with an interest in dispute resolution to join the webinars and to learn more about the AIFC Court and IAC as they continue to provide world class online dispute resolution services free of charge at the heart of Central Asia.”




AIFC. The AIFC was established on the initiative of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev. In December 2015 President Nazarbayev approved the Constitutional Statute “On the Astana International Financial Centre” (AIFC). The aim of the AIFC is to establish a leading international centre for financial services. The objectives of the AIFC are to attract investment into the economy through the establishment of an attractive environment for investment in financial services, develop local capital markets, ensuring their integration with the international capital markets.

The AIFC Court is an independent legal entity. It has its own procedural rules modelled on English common law procedures and leading international practice. The AIFC Court is separate and independent from the courts of the Republic of Kazakhstan. It consists of two tiers: a Court of First Instance, which includes a specialist division known as the Small Claims Court; and a Court of Appeal. It has exclusive jurisdiction over disputes arising out of the activities and operations of the AIFC and jurisdiction in the case of other disputes in which all parties agree in writing to give the AIFC Court jurisdiction. It does not have jurisdiction in relation to any disputes that are of a criminal or administrative nature. It applies the most up to date and efficient case management practices.

The International Arbitration Centre (IAC) is an independent legal entity. It has its own procedural rules modelled on best international practice. It has its own panel of leading international arbitrators and mediators having many years of arbitration and mediation experience in commercial law, including oil and gas, trade, construction, energy, financial services, banking, Islamic finance, insurance, and intellectual property. IAC arbitration awards are recognised and enforceable in Kazakhstan and internationally.

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