Climate Bonds Initiative accredited AIFC Green Finance Centre
27.07.2022The Prime Minister of Georgia got acquainted with the activities of the AIFC
CEO of AIX Central Securities Depository and AIX Registrar has been changed
26.07.2022The Astana Financial Services Authority expresses its sincere condolences to Dr Iain Saville’s family
22.07.2022Aidar Kazybayev was appointed as Chairman of the National ESG Club
18.07.2022The AIFC Green Finance Centre will develop a taxonomy of green projects for the Kyrgyz Republic
The law signed by the President of RK provides new opportunities for companies participating in the AIFC
14.07.2022AFSA issues Consultation paper on proposed amendments to the AIFC Banking Business Framework. Deadline for providing comments is 8 August 2022.
IV Green Growth Forum. New frontiers of the ESG agenda and sustainable finance in Kazakhstan