The AFSA adopts a Supervisory Policy Statement outlining a new approach to Branch Supervision
22.02.2022WARNING TO CONSUMERS concerning Firms (Hitbeat Music Representative Office, Extrum Limited, KBI Partners Limited, S-Capital Limited) registered in the Astana International Financial Centre (“AIFC”), which are NOT authorised to conduct regulated activitie
The AIFC Green Finance Centre is involved in the promotion of the Sustainable Development Goals in Kazakhstan
AIX trading volume in 2021 was more than 5 times higher than in 2020
14.02.2022The delegation of the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan visited the AIFC
11.02.2022Traded Value on AIX
02.02.2022Astana Financial Services Authority invites to a webinar on new amendments to the AIFC Legal Entities Framework and online post-registration process
26.01.2022The International Capital Markets Association has included AIFC Green Finance Centre in its Mapping of external review providers
21.01.2022Astana International Exchange and Euroclear Bank launch Enhanced Settlement Service