Exchange Traded Notes tracking the performance of Kazakhstani banks are listed at AIX
30.11.2021Samruk-Energy raised KZT18.4bln through offering of Green Bonds on the AIX
29.11.2021Halyk Bank was the first among the STBs of Kazakhstan to start providing a green loan, confirmed by an independent assessment of the AIFC Green Finance Centre
26.11.2021A Conference hall named in honour of Lady Barbara Judge has opened at the Astana Financial Services Authority today
25.11.2021«AIFC Green Finance Awards» goes to JSCB «Uzpromstroybank»
19.11.2021AIFC Green Finance Centre put forward the idea of creating a Eurasian hydrogen consortium
Halyk Bank was the first among the STBs of Kazakhstan to finance a “green” loan, confirmed by an independent assessment of the AIFC Green Finance Centre, for the construction of a 5 MW bioelectric power plant in the Karaganda region
AIFC Green Finance Centre held a webinar on “Recent sustainability and integrated reporting developments”
18.11.2021The opening of a knowledge center took place at the AIFC site