Damu Fund has listed the first green bonds on AIX
11.08.2020Shares of “Bank Center Credit” are listed and admitted to trading on AIX
04.08.2020Short guidance for our customers
24.07.2020Raiffeisenbank becomes the first international participant of AIX CSD for the provision of custody services
22.07.2020AIX has launched Regional Equity Market Segment
20.07.2020The EDB becomes a shareholder of AIFC Green Finance Centre, Ltd., a subsidiary of the AIFC
16.07.2020Regulated community attended a webinar related to Amendments to the AML/CFT Law of Kazakhstan and the AML Guidance
AFSA held a webinar for DNFBPs to inform on Amendments to the AML/CFT Law of Kazakhstan and the AML Guidance
10.07.2020AFSA has enhanced AIFC capital markets framework