Sova Capital becomes a trading member of AIX

Astana International Exchange (“AIX”, “Exchange”) is pleased to announce that Sova Capital became a trading member of AIX. Sova Capital provides a full range of investment banking services to institutional and corporate clients interested in investing in Emerging Markets including CIS countries. From now on, the company will provide access to AIX trading platform for international investors and help Kazakhstan companies to raise debt and equity capital in the public market.

CEO of AIX, Tim Bennett, commented: 

“We are pleased to welcome a new trading member of AIX and believe that Sova Capital will bring its expertise and strong investor relationships for the benefit of the Kazakhstan’s capital market.”

Sergey Sukhanov, Chief Executive Officer, Sova Capital said:

“We are very pleased to become a trading member of Astana International Exchange as it gives new opportunities and allows us to bring a wider range of investment solutions for the clients we serve. AIX makes a lot of effort in bringing the local capital markets to a fundamentally new level.  We are happy to become a part of this process through building stronger connection between West and Central Asia.”

Currently, AIX trading members include 17 local and 7 international brokers that serve investors in Russia, Europe and Asia.


Reference information:

AIX was formed in 2017 within the Astana International Financial Centre development framework. AIX shareholders are AIFC, Goldman Sachs, the Shanghai stock exchange, the silk Road Fund, and NASDAQ, which also provides the AIX trading platform. The exchange operates within a regulatory environment based on the principles of English common law, thus providing a reliable investment environment. The mission of AIX is to develop an active capital market in Kazakhstan and the region by providing clear and favorable conditions for attracting financing to private and public businesses. AIX develops special segments for mining companies as well as infrastructure projects under the Belt and Road initiative. More details:

AIFC. Astana International Financial Center (AIFC) was established on the initiative of Nursultan Nazarbayev, the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The constitutional law establishing AIFC was signed on December 7, 2015. The aim of AIFC is to form a leading center of international financial services. The objectives of AIFC are to assist in attracting investments into the country’s economy, create an attractive environment for investment in financial services, develop the securities market of the Republic of Kazakhstan and ensure its integration with international capital markets.

Sova Capital – is a leading UK based independent institutional broker-dealer, offering institutional and corporate clients a full range of investment banking services, including public equity & debt financing, securities trading, prime services and independent research.

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