The AIFC and the AFSA supported World Investor Week 2018 in Kazakhstan (watch video)

World Investor Week is a week-long, global campaign promoted by the International Organization of Securities Commissions (IOSCO) to raise awareness on the importance of investor education and to highlight the various initiatives of securitiesregulators in this critical area. IOSCO launches its second annual World Investor Week (WIW2018) from 1 through 7 October 2018, following the success of last year´s event, which gathered together 80 jurisdictions from 6 continents.

In commitment to WIW 2018, the Astana Financial Services Authority with the support of other AIFC bodies, including AIFC Authority, the Bureau for Continued Professional Development, Green Finance Centre and the Astana International Exchange undertook a range of activities, such as offering investor-focused information, informing on consumer protectionin AIFC, increasing awareness on investor education initiatives, organising workshops and conferences and conducting national financial literacy campaign. WIW 2018 in the AIFC took place from 29th of September till 10th of October.

See how it was:


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