The Astana International Exchange has been created

During the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Astana International financial centre (AIFC), a decision to create the Astana International Exchange (AIX), the Stock Exchange of the Astana International financial centre was taken.

The main strategic partners of the stock exchange are the Shanghai Stock Exchange (a shareholder agreement has been already signed) and NASDAQ, which provided a technical platform. Shanghai Stock Exchange and NASDAQ are among the five largest exchanges in the world.

The AIX Exchange will become the main platform for privatization of the Samruk-Kazyna JSC’s most attractive in terms of investment companies from the list of assets approved by the Head of State.

The rules of the AIX Exchange are posted on the website of the Astana International financial centre


AIFC. In December 2015 President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev signed the Constitutional Statute “On the Astana International Financial Centre” (AIFC). The aim of the AIFC is to establish a leading international centre of financial services. For the first time in the post-Soviet region, a common law framework will be introduced in the AIFC. English shall be the official language of the AIFC.

The objectives of the AIFC are to attract investment into the economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan through the establishment of an attractive environment for investment in financial services, to develop local capital markets, ensuring their integration with the international capital markets, and develop markets for insurance and banking services and for Islamic financing in the Republic of Kazakhstan.

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