Securities Registrar
The Office of the Security Registrar is an office established within the framework of the AIFC Authority and is headed by the Security Registrar, who acts independently in exercising it’s Registrar’s Functions vested under the AIFC Security Regulations No. 7 of 2017 and AIFC Security Rules No.3 of 2018.
The Office is responsible for the supervision and enforcement of the AIFC Security Regulations and Rules that prescribe rules and obligations regarding the registration of security interest (perfection) and processing search requests .
Key functions
According to the AIFC Security Regulations, one of the key functions of the Security Registrar is to maintain a reliable and up-to-date Security Registry, as well as to provide public access to it. Additionally, it carries services such as registering financing statements, accepting amendments to security filings, and conducting searches within the Security Registry.
Contact information
If you require further information or clarification about anything regarding the Security Regulations and Rules, please contact the AIFC Security Registrar either via email at [email protected] or via regular mail sent to the Office of the Security Registrar at Office 336, 55/18 Mangilik El Ave., block C3.3, Astana, Kazakhstan.