Corporate solutions

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What we offer

Corporate trainings and facilitation
Corporate training programmes are designed considering the specifics and requirements of the industry, as well as the individual needs of the client. We offer support in improving professional skills and increasing staff productivity by solving specific tasks, identifying and eliminating organizational weaknesses. In addition, we demonstrate successful methods and approaches used in this industry.
Accounting support
• Accounting • Tax support • Personnel records management • Consultation and analysis
HR services
• Recruitment and selection of personnel (recruiting) • Personnel administration • Development of personnel policy • Outsourcing, outstaffing • Formation of corporate culture, etc.
Interactive video recording studio Jalinga
With the help of the studio, you can record: • educational videos, lectures or workshops • webinars and online events • employee training courses and corporate reports • marketing presentations and product videos

Stages of interaction


Request: Identification of needs, setting and defining tasks and goals, formulation of expected outcomes


Planning: Creating a strategy and plan based on the resources, deadlines and stages of the project


Realisation: Conducting training using innovative technologies and learning formats


Completion: Discussion of opportunities to improve future cooperation with the further introduction of strategies and new technologies into the business processes of the organization

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