Non - Financial Business

Non - Financial Business

In order to let financial business be successfully conducted and efficiently realised, it is important for AIFC to support such core business with professional services companies. These non-financial business activities include law, accountancy, consultancy, providers of wide range of goods and services, and many others. It is essential for AIFC to combine an atmosphere of comfortable workspace with an efficient use of supplementary services that can upgrade the productivity of all registered entities. Non-financial business enables an ecosystem where professionals can enjoy their living and working space.

Non - regulated Business

If the company is engaged in non-regulated activities, the authorization process is not required, and applicants can immediately proceed to the registration process.

To become AIFC Participant applicant may

• Incorporate a new entity in the AIFC,
• Register a Foreign Company/Partnership incorporated in any jurisdiction other than in the AIFC as a Recognised Company or Recognised Partnership
• Redomicile legal entity incorporated in another jurisdiction

Ancillary Services Providers

Businesses interested in providing

  1. Audit
  2. Accounting
  3. Legal
  4. Consultancy
  5. Credit rating

services in AIFC are required to submit an application to the regulatory body, AFSA, which will review the qualities of the applicant and decide on license category for which the application is made.

AFSA will then issue a license once an applicant is registered with the Registrar of Companies and met all requirements for capital adequacy and other criteria.

To become AIFC Participant applicant may

• Incorporate a new entity in the AIFC,
• Register a Foreign Company/Partnership incorporated in any jurisdiction other than in the AIFC as a Recognised Company
• Redomicile legal entity incorporated in another jurisdiction

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