Astana International Financial Centre improves its position in GFCI 34

In the updated ranking of global financial centres by independent experts at Z/Yen, the AIFC has significantly improved its position, now standing at 60th place worldwide. Notably, out of the 16 financial centres in the Eastern Europe and Central Asia region, 11 experienced a decline in their global rankings, highlighting Astana’s strengthened its leading position within the region. Prague and Tallinn secure the second and third positions, respectively.
The 34th edition of the Global Financial Centres Index (GFCI) ranking assessed a total of 132 financial centres with 121 included in the main index. The evaluation was based on 147 economic indicators and utilized more than 58,000 assessments from over 9,000 professionals in the financial sector and related industries. These indicators covered various categories, including the business environment (tax regime and political stability), financial sector development (capital availability and market liquidity), human capital (labour market flexibility and specialised education), infrastructure (transportation and digital infrastructure) and reputation (city image, innovation and cultural diversity).
Macro indicators are provided by prominent international organisations, including the World Bank, the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development, the United Nations, the International Monetary Fund, the World Economic Forum, the World Federation of Exchanges, The Economist and others.
For the past 16 years, GFCI has been publishing two reports annually, tracking the progress of the world’s leading financial centres.
Astana made its debut in this ranking in March 2018. The inclusion of Astana in the GFCI ranking was due to the pivotal role played by AIFC, which acts as a financial hub for investors and businesses, fostering an ecosystem for the growth of companies in Central Asia and beyond. Astana’s prominent position in the GFCI region underscores its strong reputation among other financial centres.
Astana International Financial Centre (AIFC) is an independent jurisdiction with a favourable legal and regulatory environment and developed infrastructure for starting and doing business, attracting investments, creating jobs, and developing Kazakhstan’s economy.